Options for Format, Field columns, and Traits


These instructions are a subsidiary page to the primary how-to instructions “Exporting Data Locally from Field Book.

When users select local export in Field Book v.5.0.7, a prompt will appear with options for how to customize the data for export (Fig. 1).

This document provides general guidance on selections for Format (Database or Table), Field columns (Only unique identifiers or All imported columns) and Traits (Only active traits or All traits). Information is also provided on the “Bundle media data” option.


Fig. 1. This documents covers local export options for Format, Field columns, Traits, and Bundling.


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Options for Field Book local export


The first customization that users can choose for local export is the option to format the data as a table, a database, or both (Fig. 2).

Either format will export the data as a .csv file.

Fig. 2.


Exporting data in the “Table” format will result in each trait being presented as a separate column.

Each plot will be listed as a separate row. (Rows will be organized in sequential order, smallest plot numbers to largest plot numbers) (Fig. 3).

Traits or plots that received values of “NA”, “0”, or were left blank are included in the “Table” format.


Exporting data in the “Database” format will result in data being presented as a continuous list. The data are presented in the order in which they were entered into Field Book (Fig. 4).

All data points in the “Database” format does include a timestamp.

Traits or plots that received values of “NA” or “0” are included in the “Database” format.

Field Columns

The second customization that users can choose for local export is how much plot information to export. Users can choose to export only the 5-digit observation unit database ID, or to add more identifying information for each plot (Fig. 5).

Only Unique Identifier

If the user selects “Only unique identifier” (Fig. 6), then each plot will be identified in the exported file by only the plot’s 5-digit observation unit database ID [ObservationUnitDBId] (Fig. 7).

All imported columns

If the user selects “All imported columns” (Fig. 8), then each plot will be identified in the exported file by the full list of information available for each plot [plot number, plot name, germplasm, replicate, column, block, and row] in addition to the 5-digit “ObservationUnitDBId”. (Fig. 9).


The third customization that users can choose for local export is to export “Only active traits” or “All traits(Fig. 10).

Only active traits

Selecting “Only active traits” will only export data for the traits that have been selected (check marked) under the “Traits” page (Fig. 11).

Even if other traits have data collected in that instance of the field trial, if the box is not checked next to it under “Traits”, these traits will not be included in the exported file.

All traits

Selecting “All traits” will export data for all traits on the “Traits” page.

Bundle media data

When the user selects “Bundle media data with export file” (Fig. 12), any traits with associated media data (such as the trait “Plot photo” with jpeg data) will be exported into a folder containing the media data. The .csv file(s) containing the numeric and text-based data for each plot will also be exported.

Multiple photos can be captured and exported for each plot at one time.

Photos are labeled by the 5-digit unique plot ID number, the photo number for that plot, and a date and time stamp.

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